Building Team Bonds at the Indiana State Fair

Our recent Credence Innovations team day at the Indiana State Fair was one of our most memorable group outings yet. Abby, our firm’s President, explained that going to the fair is something we all grew up doing. There’s no group of people with whom we’d rather eat fair food, play games, and enjoy quality time than our colleagues.

The best thing about our team excursions is that we carry the positive vibes we create into our collaboration on the job. The adventure is just the latest example of how we can take the team spirit from a fun outing and turn it into motivation to perform at our best. We discover shared interests and talents we never knew about when we get together away from the office, after all. When we’re back at Credence Innovations HQ, combining our unique talents to get things done seems even more natural.

Abby believes the camaraderie we develop through our team-building events informs our bonds with consumers and the people behind the brands we promote as well. The individuals with whom we work can tell that our team spirit is strong, which makes them want to be part of the magic, too.

Our trip to the Indiana State Fair created some lasting memories and is a perfect example of the spirit that drives our success. Follow Credence Innovations onInstagram for more on our commitment to team building.