Building the Credence Innovations Team

When you work closely with everyone on your team, like we do at Credence Innovations, you become a closely knit group. Every associate tries to treat their team members with the same level of support and respect they share with their loved ones, so we try to support them in their work as well as in the things they do for fun. If one associate is in a play or musical group, for instance, we like to get together and go watch the performance. It’s not only great team building, but everyone feels valued as individuals and as workers.

We also try to have fun during the day. While there’s always a lot of work to get done, having a sense of humor about what happens can go a long way toward making sure everyone has smiles on their faces and maintains a positive attitude. Whether this means flying a blimp into people’s offices randomly or having impromptu ice cream socials, having a little fun makes the Credence Innovations office culture great.

The associates at Credence Innovations are also excited when we take opportunities to give back to our community. It is a great motivator and doing events together fosters team building and group happiness, so whenever possible, we contribute to our favorite charities. All this together makes our Credence Innovations team awesome.