How Credence Innovations Stays Productive When Flying

Associates with Credence Innovations travel regularly, so it’s important that they are able to stay productive – even when airborne. While the process of travel can be stressful, knowing you’ll have some time in-flight where you won’t be distracted will really help you get things done. Here are some suggestions:

• Read a Book: You could read that novel that’s been sitting on your shelf for ages, but a more productive use of time would be to finish the latest business book in your industry or a magazine with relevant articles. The trip is an opportunity to think, so you can also brainstorm ways to apply the tactics you’re reading about to your own career.

• Clean Your Electronics: Once the captain allows you to power on your laptop, you can use the time without internet to clean out problematic software, organize your documents, or sort email. Credence Innovations associates often use the time to get caught up answering email and have everything ready to send as soon as they are back on the ground.

• Make a Plan: Having uninterrupted time to think is a great opportunity to strategize and plan. You can make short-term plans for your next steps upon arrival, or spend time brainstorming on your personal and professional goals and how to meet them. Write down your plan and be sure to program it into your productivity software.

Of course, you could always talk to the people seated near you. Credence Innovations associates have made valuable networking contacts this way. Regardless of what you do, make your time in the air productive.