Expanding in Our Own Backyard

Any chance to extend Credence Innovations’ reach is exciting to us. That’s why there’s a buzz in our office these days. We’ve found an expansion opportunity right here in Indianapolis, which Tim will be leading. He’s all in to work closely with Abby, our firm’s President. We’re excited to see where this venture leads us.

Tim remarked, “What I’m looking forward to most is the opportunity to expand the market. This is a great chance to work closely with retail and a variety of brands. I’m also looking forward to growing our current business model.” We certainly echo Tim’s thoughts here. Credence Innovations is ready to amplify its voice in the marketplace and this prospect looks promising.

There are plenty of things working in Tim’s favor as he embarks on this development journey. He added, “I’m excited about the support I’ve received from my family while going through this process. This is a new chance for me to provide for my two boys. There are several things I’ve wanted to do and with this expansion opportunity, I’ll be able to do them.”

Forging forward into Indianapolis also puts us in a better position to make a positive impact here. Tim’s ready to give back to the community as part of this new venture. We’re prepared to back him up every step of the way.

Check out the Credence Innovations Newswire for updates on this expansion. It’s going to be fun to watch it unfold.