What Happens in Vegas Makes Us a Stronger Team

Our Credence Innovations travel program is one of our company’s most exciting perks. We offer trips to national conferences to learn from industry leaders while also journeying to satellite offices in other markets to share best practices.

The next excursion will take top producers to sunny Las Vegas, Nevada for a rest and relaxation retreat. We love exploring cities together as a team, and this trip will provide a chance for us to get to know one another outside of our conventional roles.

While we appreciate all the Credence Innovations trips we’re able to take, R&R retreats are some of our favorite travel opportunities. This is when we get the chance to catch our breath from our rigorous daily routines, and reflect on our successes thus far. The warm, sunny weather is always welcome as well, which Vegas has in abundance.

There’s always more going on than resting at a trip like this though. Some of the biggest names in event-based marketing will also be there, making this a chance to network with and learn from exceptionally successful people. The friends made and lessons learned on the Vegas trip will positively impact our careers for years to come.

Our Vegas trip is just around the corner, and the anticipation in the office is tangible. Check out pictures from the retreat by liking Credence Innovations on Facebook.