PRESS RELEASE: Credence Innovations’ Travel Program Lets You See the World

INDIANAPOLIS, IN – Qualifying Credence Innovations team members recently returned from an international leadership conference in Newport Beach, California. The firm’s President shared details from the trip, and announced an upcoming travel event.

“Travel is one of the best perks I think any business can offer its team members,” stated Abby, President of Credence Innovations. “Even if it’s just a short ride to a nearby office for some cross-training or market recon, the chance to get out of our normal routines allows us to freshen our perspectives and broaden our horizons. As we see more of the world, we give ourselves chances to set bigger goals and dream bigger dreams.”

Abby and hand-selected members of her team recently returned from a leadership conference in Newport Beach, California. While there, they had the chance to train with and learn from some of the most successful people in customer acquisitions.

“By getting around these globally recognized frontrunners we were challenged to see new ways to grow our business, and to develop ourselves as well,” Abby explained. “The theme of the weekend was to have an entrepreneurial mind-set: in other words, to look at ourselves and our Credence Innovations careers as if they were our own businesses and take that level of responsibility for getting where we want to go, personally and professionally. We came back from the conference excited, and with a rejuvenated passion for our work.”

Along with educational seminars and hands-on training, Abby and her team also enjoyed an awards ceremony, where significant milestones were recognized. This was quite enlightening, according to Abby, as it gave everyone the chance to see just how much could be achieved by ambitious, goal-oriented professionals who commit to the firm’s methods and mission. “We know that the only limits to what we can achieve are in our own minds,” Abby asserted.

Credence Innovations’ President Describes the Firm’s Next Travel Opportunity

Trips are more than just development opportunities. They are also ways for Abby to recognize and reward top producers for their efforts. For example, the next Credence Innovations excursion will be the firm’s annual rest and relaxation qualifier.

“We haven’t decided where we’re sending our qualifying associates for this year’s R&R event, but there are some details I can share,” explained Abby. “First, it’s going to be somewhere tropical; Mexico and the Dominican Republic are places we’ve gone in the past. Also, it’s all-inclusive. Only the best of the best from around the world will be there, so it’s a once-in-a-lifetime networking opportunity. I recommend people visit our website to find out where we’re headed next!”

About Credence Innovations:
Credence Innovations is a big name in the world of dynamic outreach. The team produces event-based campaigns that engage targeted buyers on a personal level. This approach always results in long-term relationships. Customer loyalty and measurable returns are the inevitable outcomes. With experienced leaders, an inspiring culture, peer-to-peer coaching, and in-depth training, the firm’s branding experts have everything they need to excel. Combined with hard work and passion, they spark lasting success for renowned and emerging brands alike. Get the details on their latest endeavors by visiting