Make Your Presentations More Persuasive in Three Steps

Making pitches is a key aspect of all Credence Innovations campaigns. Whenever a new team member joins us, we make sure he or she is fully prepared to give great presentations. We have found a three-step model to be particularly effective. Like all good public speaking guidelines, it is centered on understanding the people listening.

The purpose of your presentation is likely to encourage an action or a change in thinking. The first step is to get your audience excited about that change. Jump right into a clear and concise proposition about why the status quo isn’t working.

Once your audience is excited about the action you are presenting, you can begin to make the path forward clear. This is an important step that we consider carefully when preparing campaigns for Credence Innovations brands. Don’t just get your audience excited about your point of view; show them that making the change is easy, and the benefits easily outweigh the costs.

Finally, call the audience to action. Finish your presentation by encouraging listeners to follow the path you have laid out for them. Using this model, by the conclusion of your talk, the audience should be interested in making the change you are suggesting. Capitalize on this excitement by asking for a specific and achievable action.

Learn more about Credence Innovations and our approach to public speaking by following us on Instagram.