Tips for Passing Philanthropy Onto Future Generations

Supporting the community is one of our Credence Innovations team’s favorite activities. On a regular basis, we will pick a cause that we want to support as a team. We believe that everyone has a responsibility to try to make a positive impact on the world. This has made us wonder about how to teach future generations to care about philanthropy in the same way. These are our ideas:

  • Leverage the Holidays: The holiday season is a popular time for people to give back. It is also a happy, family-centric time of year. Try involving children in your life in supporting worthy causes.
  • Be Visible: Children often learn best when adults lead by example. We try to incorporate this idea into Credence Innovations’ philanthropic efforts because we find it inspires others. Let the children in your life play a role in the process, even when you are making a monetary donation.
  • Reflect Together: Donating canned goods or even spending a day volunteering can pass by without a clear teaching moment. If you’re working with an organization that impacts kids, try to explain your reasons for giving and why it is important.
  • Volunteer: Frequently, giving your time and skills is more meaningful than making a financial contribution. This is especially true when children are watching. They may not have money of their own to donate, but they can give their time.

Find more about Credence Innovations’ philanthropic efforts by liking us on Facebook.