Fresh Tips for Networking That Can Help You Score

Networking is vital to our Credence Innovations business model. We encourage our people to meet with business and industry leaders and other influential individuals and build strong professional connections. The ability to network with ease is an art form, so here are some fresh tips to consider:

” Network in Person: As we’ve noted through our Credence Innovations campaigns, being with people in person can be far more effective than indirect connections, such as through emails or messaging. Live interactions can allow us to see nonverbal cues that indicate the direction a conversation is going, as well as how our message is being received. We can pivot faster if needed.

” Be Memorable: We want others to remember us favorably. This practice does not mean doing something unnatural or showy, however. We should focus on opportunities to tell an engaging story, or promote ourselves in a way that is natural yet unique.

” Have Fun: In our Credence Innovations office, we emphasize the benefits of having fun. When one person is smiling and laughing, it is contagious. Merriment draws people to us. This is especially true at business mixers or other networking events in which everyone is a tad nervous. A gregarious approach can soften others and entice them to be part of the conversation.

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