Looking Back Helps Us Move Ahead Faster

Team Credence Innovations is excited to highlight our wins from the past year. Some of our most noteworthy accomplishments include seeing Audrey and Krista promoted to assistant manager and being nominated for the Most Consistent Office of the Year award. Tim, one of our top producers, was selected for an all-inclusive trip to Barcelona, Spain, and qualifying team members also received an exclusive invitation to our R&R retreat in Las Vegas!

Reflecting on our successes in the past is more than just pleasant; it’s also a smart business practice. When we talk about our Credence Innovations accomplishments, we communicate to everyone involved that we appreciate their efforts. It also gives us a chance to highlight the specific contributions of each person, which increases engagement.

Another benefit is that we get to use our past victories as a way to set a standard for future goals. Next year, we want to double our promotions and see four team members promoted to assistant manager. We also envision at least two people earning their way onto the Barcelona trip. When we analyze what went right, and consider the details of our victories, we can duplicate our efforts with even greater results.

We have much to celebrate from 2018, and even more to look forward to in the next 12 months. See what we have in store by liking Credence Innovations on Facebook.