Ways to Align Giving With Business Goals

Supporting the community is a high priority for our Credence Innovations team. We want to make a positive impact on those around us. Often, social responsibility is viewed as separate from core business goals. However, it is possible to align giving back with other strategic objectives.

Sometimes giving can be a component of your value proposition. For example, you could donate a portion of each sale to a designated charity. This is a simple way to offer resources to a cause you believe in while also making the case for buying your products and/or services even stronger. Similarly, you can donate space, goods, expertise, and other resources you may already have.

Raising awareness for charitable organizations is also very valuable. Our work at Credence Innovations is in sales and marketing. So, sometimes we will donate our time and services to help with fundraising. However, this approach can be used even by businesses in other fields. For example, a technology firm may set up a donation portal for a selected charity.

Making value-driven decisions is an important part of running a responsible company. Think about the things your team believes in. Use them as insight to do the right thing. For example, you may want to opt for using more sustainable products.

These tactics can help you align giving with your business goals. Check out our Credence Innovations Newswire to find more on our work with philanthropy.